Rice Purity Test

Innocence, purity, sexual experience, and self-discovery are fascinating concepts. What if we told you that the "Rice Purity Test" is the key to defining these features within you? Take the Rice Purity Test and answer questions about the innocence of your first crush or complicit threesomes. Some even call it The Innocence Test, which measures the purity of your soul and body.

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No shame or judgment—just a harmless test designed to help you better understand yourself. People from across the world have taken it, ranging from the ages of 18 to 70.

Curious about where you stand among others? Dive into our statistical report that’ll allow you to gain insights and perspective on your test results. Also, read the captivating history behind this great test. Delve into the depths of your experiences and uncover the secrets that define you.

What is Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a 100-question survey that measures how much you have done or not done in various areas, such as illegal activities, sexual behavior, substance use, and drinking. In other words, the Rice Purity Test is a survey or questionnaire that answers the question, “How pure are you?”.

Have you ever encountered online quizzes that assess your personality or determine your MBTI type? If so, you’ll understand that it's similar to that. However, please take it as an adult version that pushes your comfort zone. As you go through the test, you'll encounter questions about sensitive topics like sex and drugs. Answer honestly, as the purpose is to make you think about your experiences in these areas. After completing all questions, the system will examine how you relate to purity.

History of the Rice Purity Test

Observing this test, one might mistakenly assume a perverted individual created it. However, that notion is incorrect. In Houston, Texas, lies William Marsh Rice University , commonly called Rice University. In this university, A group of researchers 1924 introduced the Rice Purity Test.

The university planned a unique program known as Rice University's O-week (Orientation Week) to support new students and facilitate their journey toward rewarding college life. This special event distinguishes Rice from other educational institutions. Every student participates in this assessment as part of the transition from O-week to the actual college experience.

Rice University has updated questions yearly to match the youth and their experimental sexual lives. Although it was just for Rice University students, it got famous on social media due to the curiosity of Gen Z. People of all ages can take this test whether they’re a part of Rice University or not.

What Does the Rice Purity Test Include?

The Rice Purity Test includes 100 questions on sexual relationships, drug use, and crime. As questions may take some people aback, let us give you what you can expect while taking this innocence test.


These innocent romance questions might even remind you of your first partner. The questions include whether you’ve held hands or kissed a significant other romantically.

Sexual life

You’ll get over 50 questions about sex life and experimentation of sexuality. The test will push your comfort zone, and remember not to judge your friends if you’re taking the test together. Even virgins can answer as the questions get nosy about your masturbation.

Rule violation

Even Virgins can get a lower score as the survey involves questions about criminal activities. The questions range from being questioned by police to a vandalism conviction. It's anonymous, so you can answer honestly if you want.

Media consumption

In the era of free online pornography, everyone has access to sensual material. But the Rice Purity Test assesses you thoroughly as it also questions your online dating life. There may be no feet-picture selling questions, but some sexting-related ones exist.

Drug use

As it was made for college students, the questions target unhealthy drug addictions. Aside from drugs, the topics include overdosing on marijuana and alcohol consumption. Whether you’re a seller or user of drugs, you’ll see your representation in this survey.

Social life and interactions

The topics also include your club life experience and social circle. They’ll analyze whether you’re familiar with stripping or incest. Some even are about age-gap relations to understand your social environment. Although the Rice Purity test includes sensitive topics, they’re for self-discovery and not for judgment. We don’t recommend taking this with parents but take it as a light-hearted activity with friends.

How does the Rice Purity Test work?

Check out the Rice Purity Challenge online and answer 100 questions honestly. Then, the system will analyze the given answers to give you a score to determine your innocence. Check the "Yes" button of questions in the test if they align with your experiences; otherwise, click the "No" button. You can return to the previous questions by pressing the "Prev" button.

What Does the Rice Purity Test Score Mean?

A person's Rice Purity Score shows how much they have experienced with drinking, sex, hard drugs, and breaking the law that lets them know their level of purity. After completing all questions, you get a score of 100-0 and a comment on whether your behavior is concerning or innocent. Understand the meaning of your score on the Rice Purity Challenge better:

Benefits of Taking the Rice Purity Test


Individuals can understand themselves better and try to improve their actions. The questions about "drug use" will give you an insight into whether you're harming yourself or not. The Rice Purity Test will help you mature and shape your future if you gain self-awareness from it.

Establishing connections

Sharing your vulnerability with friends and partners will help establish strong bonds. Also, a safe distance only helps if you find someone aligned with your values. You’ll get better at forming connections or distance.

Increasing authenticity

This test serves as an excellent icebreaker in any setting where you anticipate forming meaningful connections in the future. Don’t judge each other; listen with empathy to understand your peers better. It helps to be vulnerable in a safe space without fear of judgment. Also, the test isn’t meant to be taken seriously. Take it with laughter, and you’ll get fun adventure stories from your friends.

Understanding societal expectations

By taking part in the test, you challenge strict rules and social norms. It allows us to believe in pushing boundaries to foster positive change. Also, you get to know your society and its expectations. See the world with open-mindedness, and through this test, we hope you become more accepting of other unique lifestyles.

Statistical Report of Rice Purity Test

The following scores are not official results from the original Rice Purity Tests. Instead, we have obtained these scores by analyzing data from various sources such as Google Analytics, Quora, Twitter, and Reddit. We offer a comprehensive data report showcasing average scores categorized by countries, ages, and genders.

Rice Purity Test Average Score By Country

Country Average Score
Japan 66.6
Germany 66.3
Israel 65.9
United Kingdom 65.7
Ireland 65.6
Italy 65.4
Australia 64.3
United States 63.9
Netherlands 63.7
New Zealand 63.3
Brazil 63.2
Canada 61.0
Mexico 60.1
Spain 59.3
South Africa 59.2
Russia 59.2
France 57.9
Argentina 57.4

Rice Purity Test Average Score By Age

Ages Average Score
18 91.12
18 ~ 24 F 89.24
18 ~ 24 M 87.36
25 ~ 34 F 79.68
25 ~ 34 M 74.05
35 ~ 44 F 71.11
35 ~ 44 M 71.03
45 ~ 54 F 67.19
45 ~ 54 M 62.83
55 ~ 64 F 66.22
55 ~ 64 M 61.12
65+ F 65.39
65+ M 58.33

Rice Purity Test Average Score By Gender

Rice purity Test score % of boys % of girls
100 0.75% 0.82%
99-95 8.32% 8.32%
94-90 9.19% 9.19%
89-70 26.37% 28.94%
69-50 25.74% 26.72%
49-20 18.58% 15.61%
19-10 4.79% 3.19%
9-1 5.71% 4.89%
0 0.55% 0.52%

Frequently Asked Questions

Taking the Rice Purity Test online is generally safe if you use a reputable website and prioritize your privacy.

The average Rice Purity Test score can vary depending on the population taking it, but it typically falls between 60-75.

The lowest possible Rice Purity Test score is 0, but the lowest score calculated by someone is 10.

The test is not for boys or girls specifically but for anyone who wants to self-assess their moral character or compare themselves to others.

The Rice Purity Test does not have separate versions or different tests for boys or girls. It is not gender-specific and can be taken by anyone, regardless of gender identity.

There is no specific version of the Rice Purity Test for TikToks.

The Rice Purity Test does not have separate versions for Virgins.